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Our Industry trade fairs "Kids"

Trade fairs "Kids"
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  • Kind + Jugend

    Kind + Jugend is the world’s leading trade fair for the high-quality baby and toddler products industry and the perfect platform for global trade and order business. No other event in the world shows so much of what will be in children's rooms tomorrow. A must for all main global manufacturers and retailers.

    Find out more about Kind + Jugend

    484 Exhibitors from 38 countries
    88% International Exhibitors
    9.102 Visitors from 103 countries
  • FIT 0/16 + Pueri Expo

    Pueri Expo is the largest trade fair for high-quality baby and children's products in Latin America and - together with the parallel event FIT 0/16 - brings together all leading Brazilian and international manufacturers with buyers and retailers from the entire South American region.

    Find out more about Pueri Expo

    250 Exhibitors from 5 countries
    11% International Exhibitors
    9.680 visitors from 24 countries
  • Kind + Jugend ASEAN

    Kind + Jugend ASEAN is the leading trade fair for baby and children's products in the ASEAN region. The event celebrated its successful premiere in 2023. It serves as a business platform and source of inspiration for manufacturers of global brands and suppliers from the region, who meet buyers and retailers from the entire Southeast Asian region through the fair.

    Further information about Kind + Jugend ASEAN

    137 Exhibitors from 15 countries
    57% International / 53% Local
    1.800 Exhibitors from 45 countries
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