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Main event for kids fashion and childrens´products in Latin America, FIT 0/16 and Pueri Expo are rescheduled for August 2020


Due to the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, both business trade fairs have been rescheduled for the second semester and continue with the expectation of bringing more than 10,000 retailers from all over Brazil and more than 350 exhibiting brands.


Following local and international legal binding obligations related to Covid-19 pandemic (coronavirus), recommendations of the World Health Organization and concerned with everyone’s health, the 55th FIT 0/16, International Trade Show for Baby & Children´s Wear, and the 5th Pueri Expo, International Trade Fair for Baby & Childcare Products, have a new date due to current worldwide situation. The event takes place in 4-7 August 2020, at Expo Center Norte, in the blue pavilion.It reinforces focus on holding quality business meetings throughout the event and support programs.


“We remain committed to holding a quality event with the best business performance for both international and professional visitors. In view of the challenging scenario caused by travel restrictions and the priority given to the health and well-being of all participants, it has been decided that the event will be rescheduled.”, says Cassiano Facchinetti, Managing Director of Koelnmesse in Brazil.


The biggest event in the children’s sector in Latin America will bring together more than 10,000 retailers from all over Brazil and other countries, in addition to more than 350 exhibiting brands, including the main players in the fashion and childcare market. In addition to product display, FIT 0/16 and Pueri Expo offer free attractions to visitors, with the aim of bringing knowledge to market professionals. The free-of-charge lectures will address topics such as: sales, team training, technology, e-commerce, among others. The fashion shows, which are the great charm of the event, are curated by FIT 0/16 partner Bazaar Kids. Pueri Expo will also bring an innovations area​​, Pueri Trends, showcasing the main launches in heavy childcare (vehicle chairs, strollers, furniture, etc.) as well as light (accessories, toys, bottles, etc.).


“FIT 0/16 and Pueri Expo are already considered the biggest events in the children’s sector in Latin America, but we invest in each edition to offer exhibitors and storeowners more business opportunities, with a wide mix of products and new attractions”, concludes Facchinetti.



FIT 0/16 and Pueri Expo

Date: 4-7 August 2020

Venue: Expo Center Norte – Blue Pavilion

Address: Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 333 – Vila Guilherme

Opening hours: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (on the last day, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)


Exclusive online registration for visitors: or Registration in one fair grants access to the other.


Koelnmesse – Global Competence in Furniture, Decoration and Design:

Koelnmesse is the largest business trade fair organiser in the world in the of furniture and lifestyle industry. At the Cologne business hub, the main international fair imm Cologne, the LivingKitchen, ORGATEC, spoga + gafa, interzum and Kind + Jugend events are among the main meetings of the world industry for their sectors. In recent years, Koelnmesse has added international business fairs to its portfolio in the most important, rapidly expanding markets. These include idd Shanghai, interzum Guangzhou in Guangzhou and Pueri Expo in São Paulo. With Ambista, the online portal for decoration businesses, Koelnmesse offers direct access to products, contacts, experience and events relevant to the industry throughout the year.


More information available at:


About Koelnmesse Brazil:

Koelnmesse currently organizes six business trade fairs in Brazil: the children’s fashion fair FIT 0/16, held twice a year in São Paulo; Pueri Expo, International Childcare Business Fair, an event inspired by the largest children’s goods fair in the world, “Kind + Jugend”; WellFood Ingredients, International Summit of Functional and Nutraceutical Ingredients, and ANUFOOD Brazil, Exclusive International Fair for the Food and Beverage Sector, inspired by Anuga. In Curitiba, ANUTEC BRAZIL takes place every two years, a technology fair for the food industry. Koelnmesse Brasil is located in São Paulo and has a team with over 10 years’ experience in organizing major events for various industries. The Brazilian subsidiary is responsible for Koelnmesse’s international events, in addition to the future development of commercial activities in Brazil.









Your contact:

Flávia Pereira

Marketing Coordinator


Koelnmesse Ltda.

Francisco Matarazzo, 1752 Cj. 1704 / 05001-200

São Paulo (SP)

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