PT Contact


Facts and Figures 2024

Reasons why you should participate:

Sub-titleInternational Childcare Business Fair

Date of the event

Opening time


From 23 – 25 April 2024

10am to 7pm


Expo Center Norte – Red Pavilion
Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 333 – Vila Guilherme
São Paulo – SP |  Zipcode: 02055-000
EntryOnly for visitors to the children’s retailers, free entry and mandatory registration
Profile of the fairThe only exclusive childcare fair in Brazil, the Pueri Expo together shopkeepers and retailers from all over the country interested in light and heavy childcare news and trends, such as vehicular chairs, feeding chairs, kangaroos, trousseau, toys, safety products, furniture, decoration, baby care and a lot more!
Segments of exposed products• Toys
• Decoration
• Furniture
• Light Childcare
• Heavy Childcare
Target groups (exhibitors) Industries of childcare products light and heavy.
Target groups (visitors)Professionals of large magazines, boutiques, department stores, retailers, toy stores and decorations, children’s outlets, Furniture stores, manufacturers, wholesalers and regional distributors, importers, exporters, sales representatives, e-commerce , associations and media.
Project Manager Koelnmesse Organização de Feiras Ltda.,
Patrícia Oliveira
[email protected]

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